First (and second) thread lock

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Yknow, I'm reluctant to even make this post, but, I already kept my mouth shut about several mistruths that were to my own detriment, and while I am done with this site ONLY because this piece of shit is posting here, I am going to clear the air on a few things, rather than allow myself to be slandered with assumption and bullshit.

First things first. What I said last night was vile, and evil, inexcusable, and I am legitimately, honest ashamed of myself. Peter, for whatever it is worth, and, I expect nothing, you have my sincere apologies. And I assure you, my blood boils typing that out. But I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong, and I was wrong. And, reading what I have I've lost the friendship and respect of many I consider friends and respect. So be it. I can't blame you.

Complete transparency? I've been going through a rough time. Two funerals in ten days, and other woes to boot. No excuse. A man shouldn't lose his conviction, and me more than most. I was tired, stressed, famished, in mourning and drunk, and again none of these are an excuse for the garbage that I typed up and posted, knowing full well it was wrong. As much as it kills me, again, I am sorry.

Now, as for the rest....this is the truth. Peter is a piece of shit. Fuck him. Y'all like the bastard? Enjoy him. What I said to him was fucking savage and cold and soulless. But he is a human cancer. He is responsible for my ban at Hoopla. He can deny it...and I'm sure he will. But, he's responsible for it. I joined this site, honestly considering myself done with message boards, especially college football ones because truthfully, what's the point anyone? Consider it advanced age, or changed priorities, I just don't care like I once did. I came here because I hoped to rekindle the best of what we had at Rivals, where I spent a decade and made what I'd like to think we're several friendships. The rivals ban was what it was, unfair, but personal and political. Much as I hated losing it, I "get it".

I joined Hoopla, with the rest of you, trying to reconverge, and yeah, I came in pistols blazing, especially in the political thread. And I got banned. I still say it was malarkey as what I said was mild and tame compare to the rest of the bile I saw there, but, I was the new guy throwing haymakers and got booted. I had no qualms with that. I admitted as much in public and private. That said...the hoop was a shit site that was very cliquey and unfairly moderated. After my boot from the Hoop pit, I was on good behavior, hell, great behavior. I kept getting restricted, earned, banned from board after board without valid explanation, and eventually booted for bullshit reasons anyway. There's another poster here who can vouch for this. I won't mention his name, so as not to get him caught up in this bullshit....but a mod there essentially playing favorites to his goons kept putting more and more elbow on me for unjustified reasons. This poster and I, discussing it, came to the same conclusion that PG was wielding unofficial power behind the scenes, and it was likely only his uncertain opinion of me that had even allowed me to exist there. Then, the very day he and I have a spat, I'm banned within hours. What a coincidence. And here he is, claiming ....well, shit, just read his post prior to mine.

He's a liar, he's a snake, and I will not be a part of this community so long as he is. That's my call. I won't lie and pretend I won't miss it, in the few days I've been here it almost felt like going home. But despite my (likely unsalvageable) reputation, on principle, I cannot and will not be where he is. I asked he not be admitted here, as I was under the false assumption it was a unanimous invite only board, so I was furious to see him here. Still no excuse mind you, for what I said, just a reiteration. But, I won't post so long as he does. I thought this was rivals 2.right, not Hoopla the second. I'm done. I'm-TRULY- sorry about what I said about his daughter. But, fuck him. I will not tolerate nor do-exist with him. And yeah, that's petty and stubborn and defiant on me. Enjoy him. Sincerely....shit, you may as well. But don't trust him.

This is longer and more rambling than I intended, but it's not easy reading legitimate criticism stoked my innuendo and outright lies. I've said my piece. So, yeah, I'll still read from time to time....I check up on my friends. So, I'll see the comments, and yes, I'll take my lashes, and yeah, I get you won't want me back anyway. That's fair. Guns up. Roll Tide. And, if anyone does want to message me or email me (I believe most of you have it), feel free to do so. I hate that I'll be remembered as I apparently clearly will be, but, you have to follow your gut. God bless.


You forgot to admit to Stannis being dead you triggered ass wigger.
Gonna be honest, I never had a good feeling about any Hoop poster sans maybe 4 guys on there.

Peter and Handi were never among those 4.

Call it cops intuition
I'm in this boat.

What happened at Rivals when most of us got the boot sucked. I know I lost contact with more than a few folks. tHoop was our landing spot, but never felt like home. I'll talk shit in the PF there, but the general topic threads - we just never felt welcome there, at least I don't. The moderating there is very questionable as well.

I've been excited about this place, to "get the gang back together". Although I haven't been around a whole lot, I've been busy with honey-do lists for the wedding. I'd rather not see this place busted apart by some (self admittedly) assholish comments from someone who wasn't even part of the original gang. Just my $0.02.
I'm in this boat.

What happened at Rivals when most of us got the boot sucked. I know I lost contact with more than a few folks. tHoop was our landing spot, but never felt like home. I'll talk shit in the PF there, but the general topic threads - we just never felt welcome there, at least I don't. The moderating there is very questionable as well.

I've been excited about this place, to "get the gang back together". Although I haven't been around a whole lot, I've been busy with honey-do lists for the wedding. I'd rather not see this place busted apart by some (self admittedly) assholish comments from someone who wasn't even part of the original gang. Just my $0.02.

Agreed, they weren't welcoming and guys like Peter, Handi, and others were, to me, Star on steroids and the reason I quit posting on the hoop because they seemed to live on it and jump into every thread with their hyperbolic assholery.

Didn't care for it there, won't tolerate it here.

With Toads explosion last night, I get it. I was angry when I saw hoop guys jumping here when I thought we were keeping things a bit more hush hush.

Also, I won't condem toad as I myself said some jacked shit to Janty as well (still mean it but that's words best thought and not said).
So let's flip the situation and on Rivals we had a large group of people join up start a bunch of threads about their old site and then when some of them interacted they got out of line?

How long would have that been allowed

No doubt a lot of guys were dicks at first especially in the PF and CFB forums but again we were a big ass group. Then of that many who stayed hung in the one thread rivals related.

Not to name drop ODD but a couple times he suggested we branch out more.

But Pete was literally the most prominent defender of ours and to me it's pretty shady to even attempt to defend anyone being spoken to like that regardless of their home board. I'd say the same for any of you.
So let's flip the situation and on Rivals we had a large group of people join up start a bunch of threads about their old site and then when some of them interacted they got out of line?

How long would have that been allowed

No doubt a lot of guys were dicks at first especially in the PF and CFB forums but again we were a big ass group. Then of that many who stayed hung in the one thread rivals related.

Not to name drop ODD but a couple times he suggested we branch out more.

But Pete was literally the most prominent defender of ours and to me it's pretty shady to even attempt to defend anyone being spoken to like that regardless of their home board. I'd say the same for any of you.

But we did, we always had guys come in but usually we were tame compared to how the hoop was for us.

On the hoop we got called every name under the sun, posters would stalk us around from sub forum to sub forum.

I never saw Pete in action, going to be honest, his brand of bravado never really meshed with me, nor did handis.

Also hate AG so that rubbed me wrong that he was a celeb there.

Either way, I was never made to feel at home on the hoop, even after almost a year there, they didn't make us feel welcome.

There were 4 guys I was pleasant with and who were welcoming, @Copejunkie and @Cowboyinexile being two of the 4.
So let's flip the situation and on Rivals we had a large group of people join up start a bunch of threads about their old site and then when some of them interacted they got out of line?

How long would have that been allowed

No doubt a lot of guys were dicks at first especially in the PF and CFB forums but again we were a big ass group. Then of that many who stayed hung in the one thread rivals related.

Not to name drop ODD but a couple times he suggested we branch out more.

But Pete was literally the most prominent defender of ours and to me it's pretty shady to even attempt to defend anyone being spoken to like that regardless of their home board. I'd say the same for any of you.
I for one was guilty of this (bolded) for the most part. I ventured out occasionally, but generally stayed in the rejects thread.
Agreed, they weren't welcoming and guys like Peter, Handi, and others were, to me, Star on steroids and the reason I quit posting on the hoop because they seemed to live on it and jump into every thread with their hyperbolic assholery.

Didn't care for it there, won't tolerate it here.

With Toads explosion last night, I get it. I was angry when I saw hoop guys jumping here when I thought we were keeping things a bit more hush hush.

Also, I won't condem toad as I myself said some jacked shit to Janty as well (still mean it but that's words best thought and not said).

Not like we didn't razz the hell out of anyone new coming on Rivals. And if a group had come busting in like we did, we'd have razzed them, too.

Pretty much the only one who stayed a dick is still a dick and we laugh at him.

How soon some have forgotten that Peter went to Rivals and rattled a few cages there on our behalf even though he certainly didn't have to.

With one exception, and he knows who he is, not one of us ever crossed a line into someone's dead relatives. It's just not done.

We existed on sites with the likes of moron, star and others. We existed on sites with the likes of a poor seagull. Peter and Toad can SUCK IT THE HELL up and exist here with each other posting.

Someone wants a site where they get veto rights over who comes in, go start their own facebook group.
Not like we didn't razz the hell out of anyone new coming on Rivals. And if a group had come busting in like we did, we'd have razzed them, too.

Pretty much the only one who stayed a dick is still a dick and we laugh at him.

How soon some have forgotten that Peter went to Rivals and rattled a few cages there on our behalf even though he certainly didn't have to.

With one exception, and he knows who he is, not one of us ever crossed a line into someone's dead relatives. It's just not done.

We existed on sites with the likes of moron, star and others. We existed on sites with the likes of a poor seagull. Peter and Toad can SUCK IT THE HELL up and exist here with each other posting.

Someone wants a site where they get veto rights over who comes in, go start their own facebook group.
Game, set and match. Post of the day.
Further if the board is discussing memberships obviously it will take more people to make it a comfortable reality.

I for one was guilty of this (bolded) for the most part. I ventured out occasionally, but generally stayed in the rejects thread.

It's no big deal I'm just trying to flip the POV.

It is a large board and for some that's cumbersome
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