FYI - txTIGER1963

@OldDevilDawg , I’ve never met you, but that is going to change! I don’t know when, but I AM going to make a trip to south GA this summer for a meetup. Even if it’s just for a cup of coffee and a handshake. You’ve earned my respect! Please pass on my personal best wishes to our board brother!
Me too :) gotta make it before September when My Tide Rolls his dogs though :)
Posted from elsewhere for OldDevilDawg:

Here with txTIGER1963. He woke up long enough to recognize me. His color and vitals are good. The nurse had him up in bed yesterday doing mild physical therapy. Same for today. She said she was gonna let him rest some more before they got started. I'll be here until his daughter gets off work so I can talk to her.
Posted from elsewhere for OldDevilDawg:

Here with txTIGER1963. He woke up long enough to recognize me. His color and vitals are good. The nurse had him up in bed yesterday doing mild physical therapy. Same for today. She said she was gonna let him rest some more before they got started. I'll be here until his daughter gets off work so I can talk to her.
I would be like WTF is ODD doing here?

Is this real life? there internet in heaven...and hell?

Great to hear he's awake !!!