Gas prices

maybe just fill it halfway -
maybe get a hybrid -

While I'm sure you aren't hurting, this whole thing has got to be frustrating for you. All that oil right there for the taking and we are back to relying on the rest of the world instead of producing our own. I'm sure you have stories about friends and acquaintances that lost their jobs. How about a TLDR post about what is taking place in our home grown fracking industry now that the market price allows y'all to make a profit.

While I'm sure you aren't hurting, this whole thing has got to be frustrating for you. All that oil right there for the taking and we are back to relying on the rest of the world instead of producing our own. I'm sure you have stories about friends and acquaintances that lost their jobs. How about a TLDR post about what is taking place in our home grown fracking industry now that the market price allows y'all to make a profit.
you know i have a
30-word / 5-line limit -