how did you pick your name, and how long you been using it

already posted rhat one -
source (10).gif
My name is for low level thinking (basement) and homer-ism for your team (bias) as that is how sports message boarders are perceived as. Like a dude living in his parent's basement. Didn't catch on like I thought it would, plus I was going to try and do a podcast/vlog show in a basement to give a cheap knock off of the Dan Patrick man cave. Didn't ever get time to do that. I did a test run on YouTube where you can see my stupidly rambling about football but it wasn't in a basement.
Mine is based on the rural OK community I grew up in. Have used it for a lot of other things previously, used it to start a Rivals account and ended up over here after only a week or 2 of being over there.

Heres a pic of my community's most famous landmarkView attachment 1356

Cogar plays Class A ball right? I was born and raised in Barnsdall and think we played you guys my freshman year in Regional Playoffs in baseball.
Cogar plays Class A ball right? I was born and raised in Barnsdall and think we played you guys my freshman year in Regional Playoffs in baseball.
No school or even a postoffice, closest towns with schools are Binger and Minco. 10 miles east or west. Tryin to think who would be a A school similar name.. Cogar's claim to fame was the phone booth scene in "Rainman"
I have posted my bat chaps story once or twice, so now for the back story. I worked with a guy that nobody in the shop particularly respected. He let it slip that he and his wife were renting a log cabin in the Smokies for his vacation. We were dogging him out over him getting his freak on and how … so I borrowed the cape/chaps from that and incorporated it into my Naval medical discharge story. It sounds a lot funnier to me than saying a guy fell on my leg and destroyed my knees while playing touch football at our boat picnic just prior to a patrol.
I was "hawk-in-the-402" for years during the early 2000s then Iowa lost to a directional michigan team and I lost my shit on "kilroy" (I was in my early 20s and said some horrible horrible shit to him way outside the lines. Which is also why I tend to stick up for him these days) I got back on hawkeye report a few weeks later as "iwillnotpostdrunk" a few years into that Tom Kakert( hawkeye report mod) and I had a disagreement that was pretty basic and it was basically ended with him saying "that is your opinion" so I added "this is the opinion of iwillnotpostdrunk" to every message I ever posted, to which he banned me for "trolling" thus "wasnt-drunk-didnt-troll" was born.
My sophomore year of college my roommate in the dorm would play music form his computer pretty much all day except when we were sleeping. One day this very heavy metal song came on where the final half of the song was just one long epic guitar solo. That started my many years long obsession with Between the Buried and Me.

The one song in particular was called Selkies: The Endless Obsession. So I started making my username for everyone Selkies ftw, because that song is ftw. And holy crap these guys are amazing live. They are technically magnificent and the performances are flawless.
I was "hawk-in-the-402" for years during the early 2000s then Iowa lost to a directional michigan team and I lost my shit on "kilroy" (I was in my early 20s and said some horrible horrible shit to him way outside the lines. Which is also why I tend to stick up for him these days) I got back on hawkeye report a few weeks later as "iwillnotpostdrunk" a few years into that Tom Kakert( hawkeye report mod) and I had a disagreement that was pretty basic and it was basically ended with him saying "that is your opinion" so I added "this is the opinion of iwillnotpostdrunk" to every message I ever posted, to which he banned me for "trolling" thus "wasnt-drunk-didnt-troll" was born.
A fellow Hawkeye fan, welcome.