I love hearing from people who...

You have no idea of the stress levels that go along with it.
This. Working with your uncle or whatever for a summer - you are not making the important decisions. You're not stressing about the market, that balloon payment looming in the distance. When you go back to school in the fall you're not the one busting ice, warming a litter of piglets near the woodstove. Working with granpappy - you have no skin in the game. You are not the one invested in it. But I'm sure he'll continue to let us know of his experience.
This. Working with your uncle or whatever for a summer - you are not making the important decisions. You're not stressing about the market, that balloon payment looming in the distance. When you go back to school in the fall you're not the one busting ice, warming a litter of piglets near the woodstove. Working with granpappy - you have no skin in the game. You are not the one invested in it. But I'm sure he'll continue to let us know of his experience.
Maybe that’s the difference then. Our farms were family operations for many generations in which all of those decisions were made as a family as.....we ALL worked it and were involved with every operation. I said what I did as a kid but was involved in the farming operations much later in life.
Hell, you know what I hate? When someone thinks their life is harder than everyone else’s! No one else deals with stress, the rest of us hold hands and sing Bible songs having the good life. Try running 2 businesses with multiple employees and the stresses of that. Sitting in BFE running a farm!?.......IDE gladly trade places to have less stress.
If you want to pull your cock out in your threads and show everyone how difficult your life is...and how special you should be treated...then there are plenty of followers here to suck it. I won’t be one of them.
In closing this rediculousness........ You seem to be amongst others of your own generation. We all have stress , some of us have business stress, family stress.......who gives a fuck what causes it. Most all of us “worked” hard, and for you to discount “work” as being nothing compared to running a business is atrociously shameful at best.
You have always seemed to be a decent person....the lack of respect for others is ....well, shocking.
Maybe that’s the difference then. Our farms were family operations for many generations in which all of those decisions were made as a family as.....we ALL worked it and were involved with every operation. I said what I did as a kid but was involved in the farming operations much later in life.
Hell, you know what I hate? When someone thinks their life is harder than everyone else’s! No one else deals with stress, the rest of us hold hands and sing Bible songs having the good life. Try running 2 businesses with multiple employees and the stresses of that. Sitting in BFE running a farm!?.......IDE gladly trade places to have less stress.
If you want to pull your cock out in your threads and show everyone how difficult your life is...and how special you should be treated...then there are plenty of followers here to suck it. I won’t be one of them.
In closing this rediculousness........ You seem to be amongst others of your own generation. We all have stress , some of us have business stress, family stress.......who gives a fuck what causes it. Most all of us “worked” hard, and for you to discount “work” as being nothing compared to running a business is atrociously shameful at best.
You have always seemed to be a decent person....the lack of respect for others is ....well, shocking.
You are special! Don't let anyone tell you different!!
Maybe that’s the difference then. Our farms were family operations for many generations in which all of those decisions were made as a family as.....we ALL worked it and were involved with every operation. I said what I did as a kid but was involved in the farming operations much later in life.
Hell, you know what I hate? When someone thinks their life is harder than everyone else’s! No one else deals with stress, the rest of us hold hands and sing Bible songs having the good life. Try running 2 businesses with multiple employees and the stresses of that. Sitting in BFE running a farm!?.......IDE gladly trade places to have less stress.
If you want to pull your cock out in your threads and show everyone how difficult your life is...and how special you should be treated...then there are plenty of followers here to suck it. I won’t be one of them.
In closing this rediculousness........ You seem to be amongst others of your own generation. We all have stress , some of us have business stress, family stress.......who gives a fuck what causes it. Most all of us “worked” hard, and for you to discount “work” as being nothing compared to running a business is atrociously shameful at best.
You have always seemed to be a decent person....the lack of respect for others is ....well, shocking.
I think he was just wanting to vent.
Maybe that’s the difference then. Our farms were family operations for many generations in which all of those decisions were made as a family as.....we ALL worked it and were involved with every operation. I said what I did as a kid but was involved in the farming operations much later in life.
Hell, you know what I hate? When someone thinks their life is harder than everyone else’s! No one else deals with stress, the rest of us hold hands and sing Bible songs having the good life. Try running 2 businesses with multiple employees and the stresses of that. Sitting in BFE running a farm!?.......IDE gladly trade places to have less stress.
If you want to pull your cock out in your threads and show everyone how difficult your life is...and how special you should be treated...then there are plenty of followers here to suck it. I won’t be one of them.
In closing this rediculousness........ You seem to be amongst others of your own generation. We all have stress , some of us have business stress, family stress.......who gives a fuck what causes it. Most all of us “worked” hard, and for you to discount “work” as being nothing compared to running a business is atrociously shameful at best.
You have always seemed to be a decent person....the lack of respect for others is ....well, shocking.
The huge majority of farms still are family farms. And the entire family usually helps on them to a point. I See you threw out the popular notion that farms are just corporate entities now, which is untrue. Yes there are some very big farms in today's world that employ numerous people, some are probably to big, but the vast majority of us, myself included are small to medium sized family farms. Gone are the days of making a living on 80 acres, or even 180 acres, unless you are producing a specialty type of crop, i.e. hemp, nursery plants, vegetables, that sort of thing. You claim to own 2 businesses, which is great, but do you go to your lender and say hey I really don't know how much I'm going to produce this year or what I'm going to be able to sell it for, but can you loan me half a million anyways. See I dont have much control over what prices I can sell corn, beans or cattle for, they are commodities, regulated on the board of trade. I can price some of it ahead but I have to make sure not to sell too much because you have to be able to cover what you contracted.
My extended family still owns a beef cattle farm. Used to work it my younger years but did not after college.

I still visit now that my nephews all work it now.

Does that count?
My extended family still owns a beef cattle farm. Used to work it my younger years but did not after college.

I still visit now that my nephews all work it now.

Does that count?
It's great that you still have a connection to a farm. So many in America today have no idea what a farm is or what goes on there for the most part. If more people did it would go a long way to dispel the notion of us just wanting to rape the soil and dirty the water, and provide unsafe things to eat.
Say stuff like:

My grandparents owned a farm...

I grew up on a farm....

I spent summers on a farm...


If you don't operate a farm yourself, you really don't understand the sweat-blood-tears that go into it. Try doing what you saw happen for 24-7-365 for years.


I grew up on a ranch, sorted cattle at the sale barns, pushed 1000's in head of cattle from northern to southern pastures BUT I don't do that anymore. I didn't deal with the finances, I didn't deal with the stress of insurance claims when wild fires wrecked our hay barn. Quite simply, I was a "do this do that" and nothing more.

I now have chickens and a hobby garden but it's just that, hobby. It's not my livelihood at all.

I hate when people, primarily concrete cowboys who wear izods during the day and non scuffed up boots at night talk about "ranching this and farming that" they have no clue.
It's great that you still have a connection to a farm. So many in America today have no idea what a farm is or what goes on there for the most part. If more people did it would go a long way to dispel the notion of us just wanting to rape the soil and dirty the water, and provide unsafe things to eat.

I do not work it anymore but I take the kids to auction so they how the cows are sold to market.

We have taken them to a dairy farm so they can see that process as well.

There are plenty that think everything comes from the store.

I grew up on a ranch, sorted cattle at the sale barns, pushed 1000's in head of cattle from northern to southern pastures BUT I don't do that anymore. I didn't deal with the finances, I didn't deal with the stress of insurance claims when wild fires wrecked our hay barn. Quite simply, I was a "do this do that" and nothing more.

I now have chickens and a hobby garden but it's just that, hobby. It's not my livelihood at all.

I hate when people, primarily concrete cowboys who wear izods during the day and non scuffed up boots at night talk about "ranching this and farming that" they have no clue.
As bad as these yuppies or whatever one wants to call them that buy some leathers and a harley and think they are a biker.
BTW. Nod? I grew up on a farm. With all the work that entailed and watching mom and dad sweating over things, esp when the weather wasn't co-operating with the crops, I thought oh hell no. Not me. That's why I got a trade and an education which has served me well.
BTW. Nod? I grew up on a farm. With all the work that entailed and watching mom and dad sweating over things, esp when the weather wasn't co-operating with the crops, I thought oh hell no. Not me. That's why I got a trade and an education which has served me well.
Kudos my friend. I have nothing against that at all!

Its not a job (lifestyle) that everyone is cut out for. And folks like @Copejunkie have my undying respect because that's their only livelihood. I have an "8-5" that I fall back on. His and my goals are different, but the work is the same (or similar).

And yes, we need tradesmen, and bankers and lawyers and businessmen, doctors, etc. But, my point is that I wouldn't assume because I worked for a title company while in college that I should give advise to someone in the surety or real estate business. I don't know your trade, but I've likely done some of it in my day-to-day operations. I'd most definitely not try to give you advice on a project you were running.

I'm not trying to come off as condescending. I hope most of you know that's not the type of person I am. I guess my main point of this thread was to vent a little, as @Hard2Bluff said.
The huge majority of farms still are family farms. And the entire family usually helps on them to a point. I See you threw out the popular notion that farms are just corporate entities now, which is untrue. Yes there are some very big farms in today's world that employ numerous people, some are probably to big, but the vast majority of us, myself included are small to medium sized family farms. Gone are the days of making a living on 80 acres, or even 180 acres, unless you are producing a specialty type of crop, i.e. hemp, nursery plants, vegetables, that sort of thing. You claim to own 2 businesses, which is great, but do you go to your lender and say hey I really don't know how much I'm going to produce this year or what I'm going to be able to sell it for, but can you loan me half a million anyways. See I dont have much control over what prices I can sell corn, beans or cattle for, they are commodities, regulated on the board of trade. I can price some of it ahead but I have to make sure not to sell too much because you have to be able to cover what you contracted.
I’m am fortunate enough to have learned from the school of hard knocks. I started my first business on my own with no assistance and it still operates today. Not only have I dealt with numerous banks for loans, I have also lost everything from my home and vehicles , my credit, and my pride (9-11 killed everything for years). All of it completely out of my control. I learned through that nightmare that I was too credit dependent and not diversified enough. I took steps to eliminate the need for borrowing money and now operate on my own profits. One thing I didn’t do was sulk and whine about it. I did what I needed to do to survive and the companies are better for it.
In the last 20 years of farm operation, It only made a profit 1 year of 30K. The other years it lost money which made it almost impossible to borrow money for the next years start up. We had to collateral farm property numerous times and do loss carryovers to new loans. I worked that farm as much as I could, along with my family members to learn........it wasn’t a life I wanted. I watched it kill my father, my uncle, and both my grandparents. You don’t farm to make money......you farm for the lifestyle.
If NOD was venting then so be it. I wasn’t trying to start a dam fight. But too assume I know nothing about that industry and to be told “shut up stupid” dam sure rubbed me the wrong way. My apologies to those of you I may have offended.
Have a blessed day!