Let’s talk about the old days in the old place

I’ve always gravitated towards Southern folks and stayed consistent with that when I got to rivals. They would laugh at my lame jokes and made me feel welcome. I did like like F the Bruins though and chat with him on FB here and there. LQ was a commie but was entertaining. Who had the retarded cat?
That retarded cat was a @Big 8 Rules beautiful creation.
What we’re all of your favorite individual contributions to the board?

I didn't contribute shit over there. I think I had like 6 posts total on there and then rivals updated one day and you had to message a mod to be able to post again, so I said, nah. I lurked the hell out of that place for at least a couple of years though and then wanted to follow you guys here once this place was set up. Haven't really been back to lurk SO any more since except for a few times maybe.