Pacing of the forum

Had that happened, we would not be having this discussion as I would not be watching. If Jodie or any other woman playing the role of a sci-fi character who can regenerate into anyone annoys you that much, then you're just gonna have to be annoyed. Talking to me about it ain't gonna help either of us.

Well that's a damn shame as you would have missed out on an incredible show that you now know that you enjoy enough to have went out of your way to do historical research on.
Well that's a damn shame as you would have missed out on an incredible show that you now know that you enjoy enough to have went out of your way to do historical research on.

Which is why it's a good thing they did something to finally get my interest. There is a practical infinity of programs past and present alike in the world. I don't have time for all of them.
Had that happened, we would not be having this discussion as I would not be watching. If Jodie or any other woman playing the role of a sci-fi character who can regenerate into anyone annoys you that much, then you're just gonna have to be annoyed. Talking to me about it ain't gonna help either of us.
You misunderstand, I have zero problems with Jodie, or any female character, being the primary character in any sci-fi series, or other genre. As I said, I thoroughly enjoyed the female Master. But after fifty years, a precedent has been set for the doctor's character and general persona. I've tried to watch Jodie's version, but I'm constantly lamenting that the doctor would not do that, and turn the channel in frustration. A fresh start, without established canon being jeopardized, would have been better. It's the same sorta thing as the new Star Wars and Star Trek movies disrupting canon of the originals. It's like making a new Rocky Balboa movie with Rocky being born female, and she's contending for the male heavyweight boxing championship of the world. It doesn't make sense. Now a daughter of Rocky, fighting for a female heavyweight boxing championship of the world makes perfect sense. Or having Sly Stallone play the part again after having a sex change is more believable, bizarre, but believable. 😄
You misunderstand, I have zero problems with Jodie, or any female character, being the primary character in any sci-fi series, or other genre. As I said, I thoroughly enjoyed the female Master. But after fifty years, a precedent has been set for the doctor's character and general persona. I've tried to watch Jodie's version, but I'm constantly lamenting that the doctor would not do that, and turn the channel in frustration. A fresh start, without established canon being jeopardized, would have been better. It's the same sorta thing as the new Star Wars and Star Trek movies disrupting canon of the originals. It's like making a new Rocky Balboa movie with Rocky being born female, and she's contending for the male heavyweight boxing championship of the world. It doesn't make sense. Now a daughter of Rocky, fighting for a female heavyweight boxing championship of the world makes perfect sense. Or having Sly Stallone play the part again after having a sex change is more believable, bizarre, but believable. 😄
The show running has been subpar, but that’s a carryover from the Capaldi days when the focus was very squarely on Clara rather than the Doctor. I’m totally fine with a female Doctor, but Whittaker just is not up to the role ... so far. She was so much better in Broadchurch. And the episodes in her first campaign were so disconnected and disjointed from the writers trying to shoehorn all of their sermons in.

To be fair, I think my view of Eccleston, Tennant and Smith probably benefitted from my not yet watching their eras week to week, as the episodes first aired. I binged their eras. I started watching new episodes with Capaldi’s first season. It’s different when your first experiencing The Doctor in rapid fire fashion, watching one episode, then the next, then the next. The continuity of the story arcs, the Easter eggs, the recurring characters ... those aspects are really front and center when you’re binge watching. I think my perspective of Jodie is likely also affected because I’m watching her week to week. I probably need to binge re-watch her first season to be fair.
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I would agree. You need ALL types of personalities to build this forum. The problem is......some have come here and been banned immediately, some have come here and have their posts changed by others, some have been riddled with rediculous monikers under their avatars to which they don’t control. Some have come and left and have not returned.

I know a lot is done in fun which is no problem for me.....I have a pretty thick skin. What you have here is a core group of people, some of those still harbor difficult feelings from the SO purge that tends to dictate the types of people you are willing to let join this forum. As long as that goes on, it will be extremely difficult, with the other happenings above, for this to grow much from where it is currently.

Im not picking on anyone in particular, it’s just the vibe that this forum gives off. Believe it or not ALOT of people lurk here as you are aware of, and they see what goes on. They just elect not to set themselves up to be targets for the sharpshooters of this board.

I would suggest a re-evaluation of what your current members want for this forum. JMHO of course.
This is a good post,, Honest,, and he brings up some valid points.. I dont necessarily believe there are "Sharpshooters" here waiting to pounce,, just a core group that doesnt want the poison posters to infect this place.
I found it difficult sometimes to exist on SO.. sometimes I would post something that I felt was serious or real just to be attacked or trolled for it by some.. Here I find the overall maturity level more to my liking.. I have layers to my personality and my tone sometimes changes from a dry wit to wet kind of dumassedness.. and Im somewhat accepted here.. and I love it.
Now, Me personally, I welcome people of differing opinions than my own.. that is why I like a national board, due to the aforementioned maturity level, I think we can debate it softly and co-exist..
@Jamesonline Welcome, I assume you have been lurking and are hesitant to come in.. Why dont you give it a try,, whats the harm ? you might find you like it.
I want to recognize @OkSooner as a model poster for 5Q. Upon his first post here, I jumped him into the gang by having this PM exchange:
View attachment 2470
View attachment 2471

He took it like a champ and now flipping me shit right back. Only snowflake lurkers will turn and run. OKSooner turned it around on me(no dabo - yet) and now, we're besties.

I want to be serious here for a second: I’ve never been apart of a gang of people who like sports and shoot the shit at each other so it makes me smile when you say this :)
