Picture Thread October Edition

My 5 year old nephew called me this evening and ask if I would draw him a spooky skull for his class on Monday. Sure, not very good at skulls but i love the little guy so why not. I Couldn't sleep( wasnt a headache) so here here it is.. oh he goes to a Christian school. Is this a little much??? 20191025_063651.jpg
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Lost someone ive been friends with since i was 12, yesterday. I've been home for a couple of hours after, visiting isn the word im looking for but this is one stings. View attachment 1445 this whats in front of my phone. Last pic for Oct
Terribly sorry for your loss.

I doubt this will make you feel better, but this is a picture of the library a few miles down the road from my uncle's place finally getting a new roof over a year after Hurricane Michael.
