Prep for some bail money for me bois


Well-known member
My wife's friend was followed and filmed by an Indian (dot) man yesterday at the Dollar General and he followed her out to her car took pics of her, her kids and her plates.

She called her uncle who lived right by there and he confronted the guy but not physically. The guy kept screaming it's a free country and he can do what he wants.

If I see him out, it will not end without physicality. So I may be in for assault.

If so, I'll need some getting out haha
Dont kick his ass, just put the fear of God into him, you dont want to spend the holiday in the clink.

Unless he touches you, then enjoy your rights to self defense.

I say that BUT there's always a good possibility that I'd be okay kicking his ass and not spending it in the clink due to being in Rural Appalachia and Jackson County taking care of their own.

I also have a demerit being the other Indian meat and being from the reservation haha
Yes sir I certainly was, especially with my collegiate and working knowledge of drainage and limiting point source pollution haha
If you hadn't helped me with the drainage, the new timbers would have rotted just like the old ones. The French Drain you suggested was a great idea, and is going to save me a ton of money and work!