The pain of suicide

No one here know this but my Dad committed suicide years ago. I was nineteen and the oldest of the five kids the youngest being eleven. We banded together and through a lot of love and hard work made it through. My poor Mom remarried a few years later and he was killed in a tragic accident where their car was hit by a big truck. The accident also killed his brother's wife and hospitalized Mom. She was also a cancer survivor. Tough old bird to say the least.

Today we are all educated and doing very well all working in a "professional" career. My younger brother is an engineer with 7 US patents. He and I discuss what happened and if the thoughts ever cross our minds. We both admitted it has but we would never act in a way that hurts so many others.
God bless. Yeah, it's tuff, but one moves on.
Factors associated with suicide[edit]
Certain factors are known to be associated with increased risk of suicide, which may fall into one of three categories – individual, socio-cultural and situational.[1]
There are several unusual or related actions which have been associated as predictors of suicidal feelings, including:[2]
  • previous suicide attempts (biggest risk factor, 80% tried it before);[3]
  • mentioning suicide plans; in the majority of cases, people have voiced their intent before killing themselves;[2][3][4]
  • acquiring the means, such as a firearm (gun), rope, poison or stockpiling pills;[2][3][4]
  • preoccupation with death in conversations;[2][3][4]
  • giving away valuable items or favorite prized possessions on impulse;[2][3][4]
  • recent neglect of their appearance and hygiene;[2][3]
  • cleaning and tidying a room far more than usual;
  • morosely sad, depressed, hopeless or lacking energy;[2][3][4]
  • rage, uncontrolled anger, or seeking revenge;[2][4]
  • increased use of alcohol or drug abuse;[2][3][4]
  • too much sleep[3] or too little; insomnia;[2][4]
  • sudden lift in spirits or happiness, after long sadness, for the end is near;[2]
  • withdrawing from friends, family and prior interests;[3]
  • dramatic change in dress or personal activities;[3][4]
  • rewriting a will (legal), or farewell letters, or visiting to say goodbye;[3][4]
  • apologizing to others for various past actions;
  • taking deadly risks such as driving extremely fast or running redlights;[3]
  • absenteeism or poorer performance at work or school.[3]
  • actions or words of hopelessness, intense anger, or unexplained happiness;[3]
  • Saying that they are the "Big sad", or other forms of humor related to suicide.[5]
Although not every case has shown those warning signs, a large percentage of cases have included some of them.[6]

I put this here because it is very important. If I had known the signs, I could have perhaps stopped 2 suicides from ever happening. It is still painful today.....10 years after the last one. A majority of the above was seen in both cases. Reach out if you recognize these important symptoms. God bless all! 😇
I lost a brother to that one even knew it was a thought in his mind...his son and grand kids spent the day with him and everything seemed fine...after they left he went out in the woods,sat down on a fallen tree,put a pistol to his head and pulled the trigger. That's been 8 years ago and it still hurts...I think of him often,the good times and the bad. Would not wish for anyone to have to go through this...

I'm sorry to hear this bro.
My brother in law lost his mom and older brother to suicides- it's difficult to understand how depression can get that bad, but clearly it can- and does
Almost everyone I know has been touched either directly or indirectly by this plague. There is such a stigma attached to mental health that people don’t want to reach out for the help they clearly need because of it. Particularly men, who are supposed to be tough and just handle it. BULLSHIT!!!!
Make the damn call!!!
Speaking of suicide...Knee dragging is committing suicide by mods on sound off just now by posting a bunch off hardcore porn. His lady just left him today for some dude.

Not just his lady, the mother of his children. The one that answered their questions while he was gone. Getting shot at in Afghanistan, watching his friends die. He fully relied on her to protect the world he believed he was defending. She killed his beliefs. He'll be fine because he's dealt with worse, but this is an unexpected shock to him.
Not just his lady, the mother of his children. The one that answered their questions while he was gone. Getting shot at in Afghanistan, watching his friends die. He fully relied on her to protect the world he believed he was defending. She killed his beliefs. He'll be fine because he's dealt with worse, but this is an unexpected shock to him.
of all days, she had to pick valentine day to leave him and one day short of their 11th anniversary. That's fucked up.