Who's bored?

Working more since work knows the kids are home and we cannot go anywhere.

Cannot work out which is a bummer.

People that I do not to see is a good thing as they are not showing up.
Working more since work knows the kids are home and we cannot go anywhere.

Cannot work out which is a bummer.

People that I do not to see is a good thing as they are not showing up.

I heard someone say that staying at home by choice is OK, but doing it because you were ordered to is stressful as hell. You got any insight on how it might be different? Asking because I'm looking for Georgia to implement the "lockdown" pretty soon.
Guilty.. but honestly... everything being shut down has also really helped me mentally somehow.

This may make me sound like even more of an alcoholic than I already do hahaha... but since my dad died... I had some real bad anxiety and could never sleep. Combo that with really enjoying the slight noises in the bars on a week night and I was pretty much hammered more hours in the day than not... and spending close to $100 a day in the bars. So I was worried what I would do with my time since I was finally starting to slow down a little bit.

But then this damn virus made us all stay inside.. but it has calmed me a lot more than I thought, I am drinking less and starting to be able to sleep a little bit.. and finally start to go through some of the paper work and bullshit and start cleaning it up. The only thing that annoys me is that I was finally getting back to the gym and lifting daily.. and now we can't do that.

I am in a position where I could sort of do anything I wanted before but also had an anxiety about trying to figure out what I wanted to do with myself.. And now that has sort of been put on hold since you can't exactly go out and learn a new trade right now. So its sort of like I am off the hook for at least a little bit, and have time to sit and think about what to do with the next part of my life. Because I know going back to a fucking boring desk job is not the move for me.
I have a couple projects planned. Took care of re-organizing the garage and shed this week. The owner of the crossfit gym my daughter works out at, opened his doors for his customers to take what they needed to keep up their workout programs at home. Made some room for her. Pretty good gesture on the owners part. Everyone on the honor system to return items when he is allowed to open up again.

My youngest boy is home since his college closed and the restaurant/bar he works at switched to strictly take out. He wants to take off on a road trip after he graduates next year and has been asking me to help build him a shell for the back of his truck. So, we will work on that.

Once the shell is done we are going to build a tree house for the grandkid. In additions to this, I need to get to the parents and do some odds and ends. So, I will keep busy and out of sight of Mrs. Once she sees me sitting, her to do list comes out.
Not bored, always got plenty to do. Any extra time is a major plus. Now that the weather is warming up, got a bunch of out door chores to do. Been using the cold weather to work on my family history book, which is finally nearing completion. Reached my last person in family to research ancestors for (obvious cut-off point, for now), in November. Turns out to be a very large group of ancestors for him, only just reaching the end of the line.

Last week, found one ancestor grandfather was next door neighbors to another ancestor grandfather of mine. They each left to fight in the Battle of Shrewsbury (July 21, 1403). They were fighting on opposite sides. They both discovered the other near a bridge they both needed to use. They and the rest of their party attacked each other. One defeated and killed the other. The other continued to the battle and fought by the King's side, later being slain in battle. So both died on the same day. What's remarkable is one's daughter married the others son afterwards, uniting the families. One of the families were Mavesyns, derived from the French Malvolsyn, which is their word for the rolling seige towers that rolled up to castles to attack over the top, during the dark ages.

Short answer, no, I'm not currently bored. Discoveries like this are as rewarding as watching college football.
while there is plenty to do outside like cleaning up my shed, cutting grass, weedeating, trimming the trees, fixing a couple of spots on the fence.. washing the siding, recaulking doors and windows, splitting some of the split wood into kindling size splits,, etc..
there is also lots to do inside,, closets need cleaned and organized,, old clothes need pulled out, put in garbage bags and hauled to the charity boxes, walls and baseboards need a good scrubbing, dripping faucets only need a new o ring,, windows need cleaning.. Fridge and freezer need to sorted cleaned and wiped out..


there is weed to be smoked and Bourbon to be drank,, shit aint gonna consume itself :)
This week my son and I we did: trim frontyard trees, power wash porches and driveway, replace serpentine belt, oil change and filter, replace air filter, replace spark plugs, drain and refill coolant & transmission fluid in all of our vehicles.

My nextdoor Longhorn neighbor called earlier today asking if I want to split two 8balls with him. he said his dealer has some triple A coke on sale for $240 for 2 (normally it's 150 for 1). Two 8balls are in hand, mine and his nose will running and we'll be sneezing for the next couple days and freaking out everybody we come in contact with.:LOL:
This week my son and I we did: trim frontyard trees, power wash porches and driveway, replace serpentine belt, oil change and filter, replace air filter, replace spark plugs, drain and refill coolant & transmission fluid in all of our vehicles.

My nextdoor Longhorn neighbor called earlier today asking if I want to split two 8balls with him. he said his dealer has some triple A coke on sale for $240 for 2 (normally it's 150 for 1). Two 8balls are in hand, mine and his nose will running and we'll be sneezing for the next couple days and freaking out everybody we come in contact with.:LOL:
watch that first drain,, Triple A will be big as a louzianna frog.
This week my son and I we did: trim frontyard trees, power wash porches and driveway, replace serpentine belt, oil change and filter, replace air filter, replace spark plugs, drain and refill coolant & transmission fluid in all of our vehicles.

My nextdoor Longhorn neighbor called earlier today asking if I want to split two 8balls with him. he said his dealer has some triple A coke on sale for $240 for 2 (normally it's 150 for 1). Two 8balls are in hand, mine and his nose will running and we'll be sneezing for the next couple days and freaking out everybody we come in contact with.:LOL:

Wait till we all find out that Coke kills the shit. You're ahead of the curve, bro. WELL DONE!!!
This is gonna be a massive beer run.