What are we drinking tonight?

Gotta stay hydrated....not like an idiot First Sergeant I had years ago that, no shit, said in front of an entire company formation...."You gotta stay dehydrated, gents!!" and meant it for all his intelligence was worth......
Good story! Thank you for your service and all the others on here. I was worried that I would be drafted during desert storm, but I sure as hell would not have dodged it.
Took Tues and Wed off and will Fri also....but tonight here is the first of two of these.
I think I'll reach into the back of the liquor cabinet and break out a reserve bottle, not for aTm, but just cause it's Saturday and I ain't getting any younger:)

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As I previously stated. I jinxed myself on this. I mentioned it suddenly appeared on the local shelf of all the stores I frequented and was consistently on sale. Once I posted that, the jinx gods stepped in and I haven’t found it since.


The Drink of the Undefeated.