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  1. Nod4Eight

    Just had to put my dog down.

    RIP Star. She was a good dog.
  2. Nod4Eight

    I got my own dinosaur.

    A Nodosaur.
  3. Nod4Eight

    RIP Old Friend

    Thanks for your friendship to the family. Thanks for the words of wisdom through the years. You made this video for dogs, but it rings true to you. Rest in peace Baxter, you will be missed.
  4. Nod4Eight

    Just sayin'...

    I could probably clear that.
  5. Nod4Eight

    Home brewers gitt

    Who is making good home brews? I recently made a bochet that I finally tried this weekend. Turned out great! Got a fall beer that needs bottled soon but seems promising so far. Trying a braggot next. Gonna cheat on this one and use malt extract rather than grains to start. Balancing the...
  6. Nod4Eight

    What's up losers?

    Fill me in on what's been happening in your world. I have a meeting to attend, but I'll check back in later.
  7. Nod4Eight

    June pics

    Sunset from the gazebo...
  8. Nod4Eight

    How's your weather?

    I know some are having some rough times like our friends over in Michigan. We didn't have much of a winter, or a spring. We hit 90 degrees in April. Well, it looks like we are packing spring into this one week. Our annual rainfall is about 14 inches per year. This week we are already over...
  9. Nod4Eight

    Spoke with an old Rivals bud the other day...

    iamotx says hi to all.
  10. Nod4Eight

    HE is Risen

    Happy Easter y'all...
  11. Nod4Eight


    My old dog, Cheddar Cheese, passed away this evening. She was 20 years old. I inherited her from my ex. She was a pure bred Papillon, was a show dog. Then a breeding bitch. Then lived in a kennel for a few years till she came to the farm. That's when her life really began. She would go...
  12. Nod4Eight


    We just had one... Not sure how big. But I felt it. Watch out for Yellowstone to blow.
  13. Nod4Eight

    Funny names for the Chinese virus...

    I'll start with my favorite so far.. Moo goo gai pandemic. Go!
  14. Nod4Eight

    Who's bored?

    I see all these messages in different places talking about how bored people are. No sports to watch, already binge watched tv shows, can't go to bars, movies, restaurants etc... Maybe this is a lesson that people need more varied hobbies. Ones that don't rely on others as much to entertain...
  15. Nod4Eight

    RIP Kenny Rogers

    Somewhere in the darkness, the gambler he broke even...
  16. Nod4Eight


    Guess who is gonna be a granddad...
  17. Nod4Eight

    Got this text message today...

    Came in on my work phone today. I don't know who Graham is, must be his old number. But I couldn't help but fuck with this dude.
  18. Nod4Eight

    Guess who's going to Alabama this spring...

    This guy.
  19. Nod4Eight

    Hard Times and Strong Men

    Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times. -Hopf That is all.
  20. Nod4Eight

    Kobe Bryant

    Wow, dead in a helicopter wreck in LA. I'm not a big BB fan, but that's crazy.