The new and improved Good Morning thread!

Hot here today, supposed to be in the 90's the rest of the week. Everyone in s.e. Iowa is hoping for a rain in the next couple days, weather guy says chances of pop up showers, getting kind of desperate already. Last one was close to a month ago. In the poor parts of the yard the grass is starting the process of going from green to brown.
If I don’t go back to work I’ll be a dead man! If nothing else the last two months showed me it’s that I never want to retire if I’m able to work. Too much time alone with the wife is bad for my health 😂!
The period after being forced to not work was some of my darkest days. Every now and again I try to find a piddling job but something that needs my skillset needs physical abilities that I just don't have. It is hard to accept for someone that wants to work. And it is harder to be under supervision of "she who must be obeyed" 24/7.
Good morning everyone. Roofers are supposed to be here today to start replacing the roofing on our house. Damn insurance company says it’s normal aging not storm damage so I get to write a large check when they finish. On a side note it’s time to renew our insurance, and the wife is shopping around. The “Good Hands” company will be having one less customer. Since we’re bundled with our auto policy they’ll be losing that too. 15 years we’ve been paying them premiums and no claims and when we do file a claim it’s denied. We tried to explain that yes, the roof is old, but it wasn’t leaking until the damn storms blew the shingles off. Made no difference. I hate insurance companies.