Your dinner tonight?

We’ve been couch potatoes enough for the last few weeks. Time to go out tonight. Dinner tonight’s will consist of the Cherry in my Pre-Game Manhattan, the Lime from my tequila shots, and maybe some frozen chicken patties when I’m home and drungry.
I fucking love you, man.

When seasoned correctly hot meat is better than anything.

Wait a damn minute before you think that sounded gay. I was talking about eating...shit....that didn't help...

Frank's Red Hot......I put that shit on everything...

Gogdammit!!! I hope there ain't nobody here named Frank....

Fuck it...I give up.

No matter what I say from this point forward, that "hot meat" statement..............

Welcome to Tennessee. I have some gladiator movies cued for out meat … meet.
I'm a dick. I made vegetable soup for my Mom and Mom-in-law, now I'm drinking beer and hanging out with you fuckers while they eat. We are heading out for Johnson City, Tennessee early in the morning. @batchaps4me, I'll give you a call tomorrow afternoon.

Safe travels my friend. If you run into any problems, call me and I will head that way.
I'm a dick. I made vegetable soup for my Mom and Mom-in-law, now I'm drinking beer and hanging out with you fuckers while they eat. We are heading out for Johnson City, Tennessee early in the morning. @batchaps4me, I'll give you a call tomorrow afternoon.
Safe travels my friend. If you run into any problems, call me and I will head that way.
Dont forget to post a pic... enjoy the meet. (if there was ever a fify post, this is it... soft toss)
our menu for tonight. Tofu noodle soup and avocado salad.

Buffalo Chicken Meatballs over Veggie Pasta.
Damn, that sounds interesting, do you have a recipe for that?

Tonight I had a double bacon cheeseburger. Pepper bacon and thick cut sharp cheddar, cooked in a cast iron pan in bacon grease. I make this meal too often, but damn it’s good.